Welcome to the homepage of the best free Bible reader for Palm OS devices.
Current Version: 3.3.31 Beta
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Palm Bible+ was developed in 2003 out of an exension to the original Bible Reader by Poetry Poon and has since become one of the most famous pieces of software for users of Palm, Sony, GSL, and Handspring branded Palm OS mobile devices. In addition to providing a free Bible reader, the Bible+ website also serves as a portal for various resources and discussions towards developing and dissemenating electronic Biblical resources.

Start by downloading the Bible+ Bible reader application and at least one Bible. Then expand your abilities by downloading more Bibles, dictionaries, and other plug-ins that make reading and studying the Bible on you Palm OS handheld as fruitful as working with multiple paper-bound books.
For assistance with the Bible+ program, including understanding its features, read the user manual and ask questions in the discussion forums. For instructions on how to create your own Bibles for use with Bible+, vist the Creating Your Own Bibles section
Thank you for choosing to download and be a part of the Bible+ community. We are honored that you have chosen to honor us by supporting our electronic work of making the the Word of God accessible.