Bibles and Other Resources for Bible+
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From hundreds of Bible versions, to commentaries and lexicons, to plug-ins and other resources; on this page you can find links to several resources that will help you to get the most out of Bible+.
If you have created content that you would like to see linked here, please use the forums to announce your item and it will then be added to the listings.
For instructions on how to create your own Bibles for use with Bible+, vist the Creating Your Own Bibles section.

Bibles Download Portals
English Bibles
- The Message
- God's Living Word for Bible+
- WEB for Bible+ PDBs
- King James Version with Footnote Strong's Numbers
- ESV Standard and ESV Red-Letter from GospelShare.
- Roberton's Word Pictures in the New Testament is available here or here.
- Modern Young’s Literal Translation (hosted at GospelShare).
For additional English Bible variants, visit the listed Bible Portal pages.
Hebrew/Greek Texts
- Original Languages and ancient versions: Hebrew Bible, Greek New Testament (NA 26/UBS 3), Septuagint, Vulgate (Latin), and Peshitta (Syriac), as well as other background texts.
- Michael Stead has an interlinear Greek with parsing and definitions, as well as pointed Hebrew. These work for both OS4 and OS5.
- Greek: Stephanus Textus Receptus
- Transliterated Greek Texts by Scotchman
Other Language Versions
- Bible in Czech
- Bible in Chitas
- Bible in Indonesian Terjemahan Baru (TB), Terjemahan Lama (TL), Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari (BIS), Bahasa Batak Toba (BBT)
- Information in Korean
- Some 1500s versions by (more details here)
- Lithuanian versions via GospelShare (more info here): Blith (older edition); KBB (newer edition): and McGee
- Schlachter 2000 & Elberfelder 1871 Translation available (more info and download links here).
- Dutch statenvertaling (main link/Gospelshare link).
- Russian Synodal Translation (download link/more information)
- Hungarian Károli Bible (download OT , download NT, more information).
- The Bible Plus Espangol Yahoo Group has several Spanish versions and other Spanish resources for downloading.
- The Italian Bible of the CEI (Italian Bishops Conference) /LA SACRA BIBBIA
For additional Bibles in various languages, visit the listed Bible Portal pages.

Commentaries, Lexicons, and Other Resources
- Abbott’s Illustrated New Testament
- Adam Clarke’s Commentary
- Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament
- Darby’s Translation Notes
- Family Bible Notes
- Geneva Translation Notes
- Revgraham’s Hebrew Strong’s Concordance
- J.F. Brown commentary
- John Wesley’s Notes on the Bible
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
- Scofield Reference Notes
- The Shepherd’s Truth has multiple dictionaries and Gill’s Exposition
- Anointed Christian Links (ACL)
- Handheld Classics (focuses on understanding the original languages)
For more commentaries, lexicons, and other resource materials, visit the listed Bible Portal pages.
Tools and Plug-ins
Add more functionality into Bible+ by using these plug-ins. For assistance in using these plug-ins, consult the user manual or ask in our forums.
- TSK Cross references
- Plucker Plugin Interface (PPI) interface to dictionaries (Download PPI in other languages than English here); read the Bible+ Manual for configuration settings.
- Reading Planner is a free program that organizes bible readings according to a person's schedule, and it links into Bible+.
- GBF to BibleConverter converter for World English Bible.
- Beta Software: ShowVerse DA: Notes utility that enables syncing, beaming/sharing and enhanced searching of B+ created notes. Read more in the B+ forums about the development of this utility.